
110 Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide
NOTE: SSL, which stands for Secure Socket Layer, is a widely-used technology for encrypting Internet so it can-
not be intercepted or tampered with.
8. To accept all SSL certificates from email servers, check the box labeled Accept all SSL certificates.
9. Tap Next.
Your NOOK connects to the email account and set up a connection. If your NOOK connected successfully, it
displays a new screen with a congratulatory message at the top. The screen features these two fields:
• Account name
• Your name
10. If you would like to give this account a name (such as Gmail) so you can distinguish it from other email accounts
on your NOOK, enter the name in the field labeled Give this account a name. If you do not want to give this ac-
count a name, simply leave these field blank.
11. In the field labeled Your name, enter your name as you would like it to appear in email messages you send. This
name is the name that shows up in the From field in email listings.
12. Click Done.
You’ve finished setting up your new email account.
Adding an Account
Once you have set up one email account, you can add others, so that you can send and receive email from multiple
accounts on your NOOK. On the main Email screen, click the Add Account button, and follow the instructions above
for setting up an account.
Switching from One Account to Another
If you have set up more than one email account on your NOOK, you can switch from one account to another by
pulling down the Account menu at the top of Email screen and selecting the name of the account you want to switch
You can also select Combined Inbox to see all your messages from your accounts in a single Inbox folder.
The Inbox selection menu and other email controls.
Deleting an Account
NOTE: Deleting an account removes the account configuration settings and any email folders associated with
the account. If you have downloaded messages to your NOOK and you have not left copies on the
server or on another devices, those messages will be lost when the account is deleted.