
Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide 67
Renaming a Shelf
To rename a shelf, do this:
1. Tap the Edit button to the right of the shelf’s name.
A window opens, displaying a list of your books and periodicals. The window also includes buttons for renaming
or removing the shelf.
2. Tap the Rename button.
A dialog box with a text field appears.
3. Tap in the text field in the dialog box. When a keyboard appears, edit the shelf’s name as you like. Tap Save.
Removing a Shelf
Removing a shelf does not delete any of the books or periodicals on the shelf. It simply eliminates the shelf itself.
To remove a shelf, do this:
1. Tap the Edit button to the right of the shelf’s name.
A window opens, displaying a list of books and periodicals. Buttons appear at the top and bottom of the win-
2. Tap the Remove button.
A dialog box appears, asking if you really want to remove the shelf.
3. To remove the shelf, tap OK.
Archiving Books or Periodicals
To save storage space on your NOOK, you can archive NOOK Books you’re not currently reading. Archiving keeps
a copy of a book in your account on the Barnes & Noble Web site, while removing all but the most basic information
about the book (such as its cover, title, author, and description) from your NOOK. You can un-archive a book at any
time, so your reading material is never lost.
To archive a book or periodical, do this:
1. In the Library, press and hold on the cover of the book or periodical.
A pop-up menu appears.
2. In the menu, tap on the Archive menu choice.
Your NOOK archives the book or periodical. It lists the book or periodical on a shelf in your Library called
NOTE: You must be in the Library to archive an item. You cannot archive items from the Home Screen.
Unarchiving Books or Periodicals
Unarchiving a book or periodical makes its contents available again on your NOOK.
To unarchive a book or periodical, do this:
1. In the Library, tap the My Stu icon to open the My Stu pull-down menu.
2. Tap the My Shelves menu choice.
3. Scroll through your Shelves until you find the “Archived” shelf.