
34 Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide
NOTE: Tapping along the right or left edge of the screen turns to the next page or the previous page, respec-
tively. To call up the Reading Tools, aim for the center of the page.
The Reading Tools.
The Reading Tools menu gives you access to these six tools:
• Contents - Opens a table of contents for the book. The current chapter is highlighted. Also gives you access to
Notes & Highlights and Bookmarks.
• Find - Lets you search the book you are reading.
• Share - Lets you share comments, highlighted text, recommendations, and ratings
• Text - Lets you adjust the font, the font size, the font color, and the background color of your reading material.
• Brightness - Lets you adjust the brightness of your screen.
• Discover - Lets you discover other titles by this author or by similar authors.