Server Alarms
72 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
199 UltraDMA CRC Error
Count of Cyclic Redundancy Check
(CRC) errors during UltraDMA mode
(Samsung, Seagate, IBM (Hitachi),
Fujitsu - select models, Maxtor, Western
Digital - select models)
200 Write Error Rate (Multi
Zone Error Rate
Total number of errors found when writing
a sector. (Samsung, Seagate, IBM
(Hitachi), Fujitsu, Maxtor, Western Digital)
220 Disk Shift Indicates how much the disk has shifted
(unit of measure unknown). This error is
critical. An increasing value for this
error may indicate a failing disk drive.
221 G-Sense Error Rate Rate of errors occurring as a result of
impact loads such as dropping the drive,
wrong installation, etc. (Seagate, Hitachi)
222 Loaded Hours Loading on magnetic heads actuator
caused by the general operating time.
223 Load/Unload Retry
Loading on magnetic heads actuator
caused by numerous recurrences of
operations like: reading, recording,
positioning, etc.
224 Load Friction Loading of magnetic heads actuator
caused by friction in mechanical part of
the store.
226 Load-in Time Total time of loading on the magnetic
heads actuator.
227 Torque Amplification
Count of efforts of the rotating moment of
a drive
228 Power-Off Retract
Count of the number of times the drive
was powered off.
230 GMR Head Amplitude Amplitude of the heads trembling in
running mode.
22 WRN Failed to read smart values/thresholds
This indicates that the smart utility was not able to read the smart values/
thresholds from the drive. The smart utility is unable to function due to drive
access problems.
Table 17: HDD Alarm in Media Server (continued)
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
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