About this book
16 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Paragraphs or in-line comments
At the paragraph level and for comments in-line, the specific media server or gateway is
indicated by its bold name, and the parenthetical information follows immediately afterward. For
example, a paragraph insert for the S8700 and S8500 media servers might looks like:
1. If the Tone-Clock circuit is a slave clock, then the EI to which it is listening is providing a bad
timing source. Follow the diagnostic procedures specified for TDM-CLK Error Code 2305.
S8700 | 8710 / S8500: If no problem can be found with the incoming synchronization signal,
replace the IPSI or Tone-Clock circuit pack. See Replacing the IPSI or Tone-Clock Circuit
Pack on page 2337.
In such cases, it is not necessary to delineate the beginning and end of the material.
An example of an in-line comment might look like:
3. Error Type 1: There is a serial number mismatch between the hardware serial number and
installed license file (
S8700 | 8710 / S8500: there is a serial-number mismatch of the reference
IPSI and a subsequent License Error failure.
S8300: there is a serial-number mismatch of the
G700 motherboard on which the serial number resides and a subsequent License Error
failure). This error is caused by the:
● S8700 | 8710 / S8500: Reference IPSI not responding
S8300: G700 motherboard not responding
● Expiration of the 10-day timer
The system enters No-License mode.
It is hoped that, by these techniques, material specific to several different sources can be
combined and viewed side-by-side without confusion.
The information in this book is intended for use by:
Avaya technicians, provisioning specialists, business partners, and customers, specifically:
● Trained Avaya technicians
● A maintenance technician dispatched to a customer site in response to a trouble alarm or
a user trouble report
● A maintenance technician located at a remote maintenance facility
● The customer’s assigned maintenance technician
The technician is expected to have a knowledge of telecommunications fundamentals and
of the particular Avaya Media Server and/or Media Gateway to the extent that the
procedures in this book can be performed, in most cases, without assistance.