Alarms in Linux Media Servers
Issue 1 June 2005 61
3 MIN “Temperature reached warning high” — Motherboard's temperature
reached a warning high.
1. See if the alarmed condition is still present, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting the View Temperature/Voltage
- Linux command line, by entering environment
2. If not, manually clear the alarm, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting Alarms and Notification, the
appropriate alarm, and Clear
- Linux command line, by entering almclear -n #id
MAJ “Temperature reached critical high” — Motherboard's temperature
reached a critically high level.
1. Look for any obstructions blocking the server’s fans.
2. Check for any fan alarms, and clear those alarms.
3. Shut down and restart the system.
4. See if the alarmed condition is still present, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting the View Temperature/Voltage
- Linux command line, by entering environment
5. If not, manually clear the alarm, either from the:
- Web interface, by selecting Alarms and Notification, the
appropriate alarm, and Clear.
- Linux command line, by entering almclear -n #id
Table 15: ENV Alarms in Media Server (continued)
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
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