Issue 1 June 2005 13
About this book
This document provides procedures to monitor, test, and maintain an Avaya Media Server or
Gateway system. It covers many of the faults and troubles that can occur and provides simple
procedures to correct them. Simple, traditional troubleshooting methods are sometimes
sufficient to locate and clear faults. The traditional methods include substitution, visual
inspections, continuity checks, and clarification of operating procedures with end users.
Using this documentation, the Avaya technicians and the technicians of their business partners
and customers should be able to follow detailed procedures for:
● Monitoring, testing, and maintaining an Avaya Media Server, Media Gateway, and many
other system components.
● Using troubleshooting methods to clear faults.
● Required replacements, visual inspections, continuity checks, and clarifying operating
procedures with end users.
Document set
Although this maintenance book is published separately, it is part of a set:
● 03-300190 Maintenance Alarms Reference (formerly 555-245-102)
● 03-300191 Maintenance Commands Reference (formerly 555-245-101)
● 03-300192 Maintenance Procedures Reference (formerly 555-245-103)
This book contains information about the following equipment/platforms
● Avaya S8700/S8710 Media Servers
● Avaya S8500 Media Servers
● Avaya S8300 Media Servers
● Avaya G700/G650/G600/MCC/SCC Media Gateways