Alarms in Linux Media Servers
Issue 1 June 2005 47
13 MIN “Heartbeat timeout from ACTIVE” — When the timeout occurs, this alarm
is only logged on the standby side. After logging the alarm, the servers
should have interchanged, so that the:
● Alarm normally resides on the newly active (healthier) server
● Previously active server has backed down to the standby role
As potential causes, either the:
Alternate side is in normal shutdown (irregular, but possibly innocuous).
1. On the standby server, look for occurrences of the stop command,
either from the:
- Web interface, by:
a. Selecting View System Logs
b. Selecting Platform command history log
c. Specifying the Event Range for the appropriate time frame
d. Matching the “Stop” pattern
- Linux command line, by entering listhistory
Note: From the system’s perspective, this is normal behavior.
However, in terms of potential service outage due to human error, this
is quite irregular. Shutting down a server effectively downgrades a
duplex-, high-, or critical-reliability system to an unsupported
standard-reliability system.
Table 8: ARB Alarms in Media Server (continued)
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
10 of 12