AZI Customer Service 800-528-7411 or 602-470-1414 Page 72 of 92
8.3. Sodium Tartrate Test
The sodium tartrate test verifies the heater and force balance operation. Sodium tartrate
dihydrate is a chemical with a known moisture concentration that releases moisture at
temperatures greater than 120º C.
Because of its consistent moisture concentration, it is used as a standard in moisture
measurement using oven or titration methods. To obtain consistently reliable results, use
a high quality or reagent grade (ACS certified) granular sodium tartrate. Sift the sodium
tartrate through a #20 sieve to obtain a more uniform size that will achieve better results.
Lumps in sodium tartrate usually indicate moisture absorption that will yield inconsistent
results. Discard the larger chunks, or pestle them through the sieve and return them to
the bottle.
Sodium tartrate is available from AZI as P/N 800-0037. Call AZI part sales at
800-528-7411 or 602-470-1414 for information or to order.
The sodium tartrate test uses approximately 8 grams of sample and is run at 150º
Results should be within a range of ±0.1 of the assayed value on the label of the chemical.
Sodium tartrate assayed moistures typically range from 15.61 - 15.71.
Open the lid; place a clean, dry, empty pan the pan
From main test screen, press [MEMORY]
Highlight "(Factory) Tartrate" and press [START], then
press [ABORT] (This will set the instrument idle
temperature to 80 degrees.)
Allow the instrument to reach 80°C (Approx. 3-5 minutes)
When the instrument has reach 80°C, press [START]
Allow instrument to tare empty pan
When instructed, open the lid
Add sample; use a spoon to evenly spread 7.9 to 8.1
grams of Tartrate on the surface of the pan (8 grams is
Close the lid and allow instrument to start the test
Allow the test to complete
If this is the first test of the day, discard the results of this test for stability reasons.
Results should be within a range of ±0.1 of the assayed value on the bottle label.