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Report Setup
This menu allows the report outputs to be enabled and the printout to be customized
to your needs.
Report Control Options
REPORT ENABLED – A YES sends a progress report (optional, see below) to the
printer during a test and a final report to
the printer after a test.
REPORT START – These three options
determine if a progress report begins at
the start of the test, when the first
prediction of final result is made, or just a
final report at the end of the test.
REPORT INTERVAL – This selection
determines how often the progress report
data is sent to the printer or computer.
Times of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 30 seconds or
one (1) minute are available. The short
durations are good for trials and research
and the long intervals are good for normal use.
INCLUDE GRAPH – When YES is set, a graph of the results will be sent to the printer
after the final report. Graphic data is not sent to the computer.