• Swing sets the amount of swing. Values range from 50% to 75% and let you shuffle your
beats – from subtle to extreme.
• Shift Timing will shift the notes by clock ticks.
• Window sets the range of notes around a quantize value that will be quantized. Any notes
outside that range would not be quantized, whereas notes inside would.
• Strength determines how hard notes will be quantized, (i.e., shifted toward the quantize
value). Lower values only move notes to an certain extent towards the closest quantize
value, resulting in a less mechanical feel than a strict quantization.
• The Range pop-up menu lets you select the target range for the time correction. You can
apply the time correction on All note events as well as on the Selected only. When Range
is chosen, you can define the bars as well as the instrument lanes (pads) of a track that will
be quantized. The selection is done on the MPC hardware.
X When Range is selected, you can define the instrument lanes (pads) to be quantized by
pressing their corresponding pads on the MPC hardware. Selected pads are shown in the
Time Correct window. Use the cursor keys to navigate to the Events Range parameter to
select the range of bars for quantization.
You can apply the settings you made in the Time Correct windows by pressing the Do It button.
Sync Menu
In the Settings window, you will find a lot of parameters regarding the synchronization of your
Send lets you you to choose whether or not the
MPC software sends MIDI Clock or MIDI Time
Code (MTC) to the individual ports of the MPC
hardware or any connected MIDI interface. Make
sure to check the port(s) over which you want to
send this information. You can select two MIDI
devices connected to your computer to send MIDI
Clock or MTC data to. Select your device from the
pop-up menu and make sure the box next to it is
The MTC Frame Rate sets the frame rate for MTC
sync. In most cases you will choose the 25 FPS
(frames per second) option. The correct frame rate
is important, especially when working on film scoring projects.
The Device Control allows you to send MIDI Machine Control (MMC) from the transport buttons
on the MPC. MMC only sends transport commands; it does not include track-arming and more
advanced features.
Help Menu
About MPC shows information about the particular version of the MPC software you are using.
Check for Updates… checks online if a newer version of the MPC software is available. You
need an active internet connection to use this function.
MPC Help opens this PDF manual.
 In the Mac MPC software, About MPC and Check for updates are located in the MPC menu.