• With LINK SLICES active, editing the start or end point of a slice will alter the start and end
points of its adjacent slices respectively. For example, editing the end point of a slice
automatically changes the start point of the following slice. Turn LINK SLICES off when, for
example, you want slice 1 to be the entire sample and slice 2, 3 and 4 be just portions of
that sample.
The CHOP To Section in CHOP Mode
This section determines the slicing process.
X On the MPC hardware, you can select the desired processing option by navigating to the
Chop to option with the cursor. Use the data dial or the -/+ buttons for selecting the various
Chop to options. Each option offers further parameters, which can also be edited using the
data dial as well as with the -/+ buttons.
You can choose between three slicing processes:
The Threshold process uses an adjustable detection algorithm that
derives the number of regions created from the volume levels present in
the sample. You can set a threshold level by using the THRESHOLD
parameter. The higher the selected value, the more slices will be
created. With the MIN TIME (Min Slice Time) parameter, you can define the minimum length of a
slice in milliseconds.
The Regions process divides a sample into several regions of equal
length. With the NUM REGIONS (Regions) parameter you can define
the the number of regions you wish to divide the sample into. Usually,
sixteen is a good start for a single-measure loop.
The BPM process is very similar to the Region process. The sample is
divided in several regions of equal length, based on the loop length. First
of all, you should set the BARS. If your sample loop length is two bars,
you need to enter 2 here. You can also set the BEAT, which means the
number of beats in a bar. In most cases this will be 4 beats per bar. Finally, TIME DIV lets you
select a note division for the slicing. You can select 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32. In most cases, you will
set this parameter to 1/16.
The PROCESS Section in CHOP Mode
The PROCESS section gives you various editing options for the selected sample. It is nearly
identical to the PROCESS section in TRIM mode.
X Press the F6 button (Edit) to open a new page where the editing options are located. Use the
data dial or the + / - buttons to select the desired editing option. Some options offer additional
parameters which can be accessed by using the cursor buttons. To execute a selected editing
process, click on F5 (Do It). Otherwise, you can cancel your changes by pressing F4
(Cancel). The editing options are described below.
The following editing processes can be executed on a selected slice:
PITCH SHIFT and GAIN CHANGE. For a detailed description, please
read the corresponding explanations earlier in this chapter.