Here you can directly edit various parameters affecting playback and loop functions.
X On the MPC hardware, you can edit the sample start, the end and the loop start by navigating
with the cursor to the corresponding option (Start, Loop, End). Use the data dial or the -/+
buttons for precise editing. Alternatively, you can enter a value by using the number buttons.
Confirm your entry by pressing ENTER.
The Sample Edit section in the display of the MPC hardware
In the MPC software, you can edit the SAMPLE START, the END or the LOOP START by
double-clicking on the corresponding value. Use your computer keyboard to enter the desired
X On the MPC hardware, you can activate the loop function by pressing F4 (Loop). You can
also snap to zero by pressing the F3 (0 Snap) button. You can edit the loop options by
navigating with the cursor to the corresponding option (Loop Lock). Use the data dial or the -
/+ buttons to change the setting.
In the MPC software, you can activate the loop and samples options by clicking on the
corresponding button:
• LOOP activates the loop function to repeat the sample
portion between the loop start point and the end point.
• SNAP TO ZERO activates the snap-to-zero function. For
easier sample editing, the MPC software can snap the
start or end point of a sample to the next zero crossing.
This can help to avoid clicks and glitches when playing a
sample both looped or as one-shot.
• TUNE lets you transpose the sample based on its original pitch. The value range is
up/down two octaves in semitone steps.
• ROOT NOTE lets you select a Root note for the sample. The Root note defines which note
will play the sample at its original pitch when in a KEYGROUP Program.
• LOOP LOCK activates the Loop Lock option. The adjusting of the sample start point and
the loop start point can be linked. This will allow simultaneous adjustments, e.g. when you
need to find a loop with a defined length.
The PROCESS Section
The PROCESS section gives you various editing options for the selected sample.
X Press the F6 button (Edit) to open a new page where the editing options are located. Use the
data dial or the + / - buttons to select the desired editing option. Some options offer additional
parameters which can be accessed by using the cursor buttons. To execute a selected editing
process, click on F5 (Do It). Otherwise, you can cancel your changes by pressing F4
(Cancel). The editing options are described below.