In the MPC software you can load an insert effect by clicking the button
at the top of the panel so it reads "On," then clicking on the small
triangle on the right of the corresponding insert slot. Select the desired
effect from the pop-up menu. To edit the parameters of a loaded effect,
click on the effect name to open a window. The effect’s user interface
depends on the loaded effect type. Optional VST/AU effects mostly
offer a graphical user interface.
 The insert as well as the send effects can also be loaded and edited
in Program Mixer Mode. For more information on that please refer
to the chapter "Program Mixer Mode."
 For more information about effects and its parameters please refer to the Appendix of this
If you have selected a virtual instrument (for example, a VST synthesizer) or an external MIDI
instrument (for example, a hardware sound generator), Program Edit Mode looks different.
You will be presented an overview of all available parameters of your loaded virtual instrument,
including a corresponding rotary knob for editing. We recommend editing a virtual instrument by
using its own graphical user interface, though.
X To edit virtual instrument parameters, press the corresponding F button (Page1 to Page6) on
your MPC hardware. Use the MPC hardware Q-Link knobs for direct access of all 16
parameters that are displayed. You can use the cursor buttons to navigate to a desired
parameter location in the display and change the parameter with the -/+ buttons or the data
You can use Program Edit Mode to directly edit a set of parameters in a section with your MPC
hardware. MPC Renaissance’s 4x4 Q-Link knob matrix corresponds to the MPC software’s
controls as well as virtual instrument parameters. MPC Studio's Q-Link knobs can control one
column of parameters at a time. Use the SCROLL KNOB above them to change which column of
parameters they currently control.
To assign a parameter to one of the controls, click on the pop-up menu above the corresponding
controller and select it from the pop-up menu. In this way, you can easily set up arrangements of
16 knobs which can be controlled by your MPC hardware.