Appendix A: SG-1 Vendor-Specific Attributes June 30, 2006
A-30 SG1-UM-8500-03
adc-avpair = "vpdn:l2tp-tunnel-password=<password>",
adc-avpair = "vpdn:l2tp-tunnel-password=test",
vpdn:ip-address attribute
This attribute indicates the address of the server end of the tunnel. This attribute is mandatory for opening a tunnel
session. Attribute type is string.
adc-avpair = "vpdn:ip-address=<x.x.x.x>",
adc-avpair = "vpdn:ip-address=",
vpdn:tunnel-assignment-id attribute
This attribute is used to indicate to the tunnel initiator the particular tunnel to which a session is to be assigned. The
system when receiving this attribute checks if the assigned tunnel exists, if not the tunnel is created. Termination of
the last session in the tunnel causes the closing of the tunnel. This attribute is optional, while not used a new tunnel
will be open per each session. The values used for tunnel-assignment-id are 1 to 10,000. When receiving a tunnel-
assignment-id grater that 10,000 the system ignores it and sends a warning message to the log.
adc-avpair = "vpdn:tunnel-assignment-id=<id>",
adc-avpair = "vpdn:tunnel-assignment-id=2",
Operation Mode: Access- Accept message
Vendor-type: 81
Vendor-length = 2 + name length + (1-64)
Operation Mode: Access- Accept message
Vendor-type: 82
Vendor-length = 2 + name length + (7-15)
Operation Mode: Access-Accept message
Vendor-type: 83
Vendor-length = 2 + (7-15)+attribute-name length