Appendix A: SG-1 Vendor-Specific Attributes June 30, 2006
A-12 SG1-UM-8500-03
adc-avpair = "user:personal-site=<site URL>",
adc-avpair = "user:personal-site=www.walla.co.il",
user:mac-address sub-attribute
The user:mac-address sub-attribute contains the MAC address information of a connected user as learned by the
DHCP relay or by the proxy RADIUS.
adc-avpair = "user:mac-address=<User MAC address>",
adc-avpair = "user:mac-address=00022d386dbe",
user:group sub-attribute
The user:group sub-attribute represents the user group number (1 to 1000), as defined in the RADIUS server. This
information is sent by the system to the DHCP server via the relay remote ID Sub-option (option 82). The default
user group is 1. It may be activated dynamically, enabling the change of the user:group of a connected session on
the fly. This sub-attribute when received in service-access accept message, updates both the service and the
session user:group.
adc-avpair = "user:group=<group number>",
adc-avpair = "user:group=12",
Operation Mode: Access-Request message
Service-Request message
Accounting-Stop Request message
Accounting-Off Request message
Vendor-type: 18
Vendor-length = 2 + name length + 12
Operation Mode: Access-Accept message
Service-Accept message
Vendor-type: 19
Vendor-length = 2 + name length + (1 - 4)