June 30, 2006 Appendix A: SG-1 Vendor-Specific Attributes
SG1-UM-8500-03 A-17
dhcp:opt82-relay-remote-id sub-attribute
The dhcp:opt82-relay-remote-id attribute contains the received option 82 relay remote ID sub-option, while each
byte information is in hexadecimal format.
adc-avpair = "dhcp:opt82-relay-remote-id=<Option 82 relay remote ID sub-option>",
adc-avpair = "dhcp:opt82-relay-remote-id=01844400660300",
dhcp:discover-action sub-attribute
The dhcp:discover-action attribute defines the action to be taken when a new dhcp discover message is transmitted
in a connected session. The discover actions are:
a. update - The system is not disconnecting the session on a new dhcp discover message and updates it with
the new configured IP address.
b. normal - The system disconnects the session on a new dhcp discover message, which is the system normal
adc-avpair = "dhcp:discover-action=<normal | update>",
adc-avpair = "dhcp:discover-action=update",
Operation Mode: Access-Accept message
Service-Accept message
Vendor-type: 31
Vendor-length = 2 + name length + (1 - 255)
Operation Mode: Access-Accept message
Service-Accept message
Vendor-type: 32
Vendor-length = 2 + 6 + name length