June 30, 2006 Chapter 7: Second Level Commands
SG1-UM-8500-03 7-29
When using the group parameter, there are three options for the first command line argument:
• aaa–Major alarm. Any defined RADIUS server marked in the system DB as dead (inactive) will be reported via
SNMP. Any defined RADIUS server marked in the system as ALIVE after being DEAD sends trap indication
and log indication.
• network–Major alarm. Occurs when Ethernet link is down. When the Ethernet connection becomes available,
system sends a trap indication only in a clear event and sends a log indication.
• security–Warning Alarm. First time that IP spoofing is detected, the system can manually send a trap indica-
tion/log indication.
Using the SNMP-server trap-source-int
This command defines the source of the snmp traps. The system default snmp trap source interface type is
"Default,” which indicates the primary interface is in use.
snmp-server trap-source-int [[Ethernet <slot>\<port number> | ATM <slot>\<port number>\<sub-interface
number> | VLAN <slot>\<port number>\[<sub-interface number> | [ loopback <loopback interface number> |
Note: The SNMP key for get and set is encrypted.
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int
Parameter Description Values
Interface type Optional Values: Ethernet,
Loopback, ATM, VLAN,
Default. Default value: Default
<slot> PMC slot number. 0 – 2
<port number> SONET physical port number. 1 – 2
<sub-interface number> Sub interface number. 1 – 4095
<Loopback Interface
Loopback interface number. 1 – 200
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int Ethernet 0 \ 1
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int ATM 2 \ 1 \ 34
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int Loopback 12
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int VLAN 1 \ 1 \ 12
Host(config)# SNMP-server trap-source-int Default