June 30, 2006 Appendix A: SG-1 Vendor-Specific Attributes
SG1-UM-8500-03 A-23
adc-avpair = "service:acl-data-quota-used=[access-list name;]<used data quota in
adc-avpair = "service:acl-data-quota-used=video;5000000",
The service:acl-list-packet-quota sub-attribute defines the service session packet quota for a time period per a
specified access-list measured in number of packets (total packets of both upstream and downstream user’s traffic
that were permitted by the filter).This attribute enables to define different packet quota per each access-list of a
a. The system monitors the session to track the packet quota usage in a certain time period for the defined
access lists.
b. When a service runs out of packet quota within the configured period (access-list quota termination event
occurs) the system activates the next-service-name if defined (see next-service-name definition). This is
true in case that the service authentication base is set to be service. Otherwise the system activates reau-
thorization according to the configured service:auth-source value (see service:auth-source definition).
c. When a service runs out of packet quota after the configured period the system resets the quota for it’s ini-
tial value.
d. All authorization requests include the service:acl-packet-quota with the remainder quota in the current inter-
e. A service:accessl-list-packet-quota attribute with a zero value indicates to the SG-1 that the connected ses-
sion has no access-list packet credit left.
f. The SG-1 then redirects all the session packets that match the specific access-list, to the redirection server
if one is configured. Otherwise, it discards the packets.
g. The attribute may be included more than once in request or accept messages. The system does not con-
sider packets that were denied.
Operation Mode: Access-Request message
Service Request message
Accounting-Off, interim request
Vendor-type: 58
Vendor-length: 1 - 19 + attribute-name length
Values: Min = 0; Max = 2^63 - 1