Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
SETTING THE PROJECTOR’S IP ADDRESS: Upon connection to most Ethernet networks,
each projector’s factory default IP address of triggers the network’s DHCP (Dynamic
and unique for use on that network. Depending on the network, this DHCP-assigned IP address
usually remains stable for a single session, but may change with subsequent power-ups and
logins. On some networks, the address will remain stable from session to session. In all cases,
the projector’s IP address and port appear in the Information menu as well as the Ethernet
Settings submenu. See Figure 2.15.
Figure 2.15. Setting the Projector's IP Address
Note that if a projector’s IP address is anything other than (shown as in
the Ethernet Settings menu) upon connection to an Ethernet network, or if DHCP is not available
on the network, the automatic DHCP server function for supplying a valid and unique IP address
memory—enter the new address in the Ethernet Settings submenu, or send to the projector via
a serial command. The IP address will be in effect until it is changed again, or until the DHCP
checkbox is re-enabled for use with a DHCP server on the network.
CHANGING THE PORT#:OnsomeEthernetnetworks,rewallrestrictionsmayrequirethatthe
port number of the projector be changed from its default of 3002. If so, enter a new port number
in the Ethernet Settings menu or include the new port# in an XIP serial command sent to the
projector. It is highly recommended not to use a port# below 1000, as these ports are typically
reserved for and used by common IP applications.
SUBNET MASK AND DEFAULT GATEWAY: The Subnet Mask and Default Gateway are
automatically assigned when DHCP is enabled. If a static IP is being used, it must be assigned
before the subnet mask. The Default Gateway is an optional router device used to send and
receive data outside the subnet.
By default, communications originating from one type of serial controller — RS232 vs. RS422 vs.
Ethernet — stay on the corresponding network path. A “Separate” setting indicates this separation
for “Network Routing” in the Communications menu. If you are using an RS422 controller, for
example, it will communicate only with the projector to which it is connected unless you change
this setting to either “RS232 and RS422 Joined” or “All Joined”.
Separating Networks >