Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.143 SZP
Size-Position Presets
SZP Size-Position Presets
Use SZP to resize the image according to one of several preset methods. Any value other than
“1” shows Custom in the menu. Note: When set to default (0), a reading from the projector will
identify the current default setting.
0 = Default
1 = No Resizing
2 = Full Screen
3 = Full Width
4 = Full Height
5 = Anamorphic
6 = Custom resizing (read only)
TBL Top Blanking
Use TBL to blank (turn to black) the top of the image. Range depends on the source.
TMD Time & Date
TMD sets the time & date in the projector’s Real Time Clock.
P1 = Year (####, such as 2005)
P2 = Month (1= Jan., 2 = Feb., etc.)
P3 = Date (1-31)
P4 = Hour (0-23, 24-hr. clock)
P5 = Minute (0-59) P6 = Second (0-59)
(TMD!2004/08/13 14:21:00) = August 13, 2004 at 2:21 pm
(TMD!2005/02/03 08:12:00) = February 3, 2005 at 8:12 am
TNT Tint
TNT sets the tint for video images. The TNT value represents a percentage, e.g. 1000=100.0 %
or 0505=50.5%.
USR User Message
Use USR to load a user message for display in the Status menu. Use the form (USR<text>)
following the structure outlined in the following table to set the desired text to be displayed.
Parameter Name Description
P1 Text The text may contain the following special characters (all characters
0-255 that are not in this list may be included in the text directly):
\n = new line
\\ = backslash
\” = quote
\( = left bracket
\) = right bracket
\b = 0x01 control code (beginning of message)
\e = 0x0E control code (end of message)
\s = 0x13 control code (Xoff)
\g = 0x11 control code (Xon)
\c = 0x1B control code (ESC)
The last entries in the table are control codes that will not appear in a
status page message -- they are listed here for completeness because
the same text format is used to save and restore source data as well
as to download code.
3.144 TBL
Top Blanking
3.145 TMD
Time & Date
3.146 TNT
3.147 USR
User Message