Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.32 CRM
Chroma / Luma Delay
CRM Chroma / Luma Delay
Use CRM to set the time delay (20-50) between the chroma and luminance in decoded signals.
CSP Color Space
DEF Factory Defaults
Use DEF to reset all parameters in the projector to factory defaults—all source setups are
set to default values. DEF may also change your baud rate and projector number. NOTE: You
must include P1 = 111 in any DEF message. This requirement prevents accidental use of DEF.
Because the DEF message can take a fairly long time, it is a good idea to include the optional
Acknowledge code ($) to determine when the defaults have been completed—i.e., ($def 111).
DLS Delete Source
sourcesetups(0).To deleteallsetups, eventhosethat arelocked, youmustrst unlockall
source setups using the memory lock command (MLK S0 0).
DLY Delay
Use DLY to delay a real-time event for a number of milliseconds (1-65535ms).
For example:
(RTE G 5 H “(DLY 100) (PWR 0)”) = When pin 5 goes high, Delay 100ms, then power off.
DRK Dark Interval
Use DRK to control the time interval—in active output lines—between frames projected to the
screen, so that active 3D applications are well-synchronized with shutters in 3D glasses. Range
depends on source frequency. For 3D models only.
DTA Source Data
Use DTA to read from the projector (or load into the projector) all of the settings related to a
a back-up.
Keep in mind that a DTA request triggers reply messages for each setting in a source setup.
Because of the large number of replies, requesting an acknowledgement from the projector
completed the full DTA reply.
Message the number of the source setup to read – must have leading ‘S’:
For example, ($DTA? S5)
Reply P1 = the number of the source setup being read (1-99)
P2 = switcher number (0=projector)
P3 = slot number
P4 = the vertical frequency (cHz)
P5 = the horizontal frequency (10’s of Hz)
3.33 CSP
Color Space
3.34 DEF
Factory Defaults
3.35 DLS
Delete Source
3.36 DLY
3.37 DRK
Dark Interval
3.38 DTA
Source Data