Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.141 System Status
SST System Status
broad-ranging request (SST?) for all information triggers the return of a series of replies as
if multiple requests had been sent. In each of these status replies, P1 explains the general
content or topic in the reply, and P2 the individual details. To obtain status regarding one topic
only, specify the desired P1parameter corresponding to that topic in your request—for example,
the request (SST?0)willtriggergeneralprojectorinformationonly.Foraspecicsingle-status
inquiry, include both P1 and P2 in the request—for example, (SST?4 2) asks whether the lamp
door is open or closed. Thus you can use the SST request command in 3 ways:
1) (SST?)returnsallresultsalongwithdescriptivetext/data.Thespecics
affected by options installed, software versions and other factors, thus a
general SST inquiry is a good way to establish exactly what status reports
are available for your projector.
2) (SST? X) where X = which Status Group 0-4 (P1). This request obtains all
results belonging to this status group.
3) (SST? X Y) where X = which Status Group 0-4 (P1), and Y= which Detail
0-varies (P2). This request obtains
For all projectors listed on page 3:
P1 = Status Group
0 = General Projector Model Information – model, serial#, resolution, factory
settings, etc.
1 = System Status – power on/off, lamp, hours of use, shutter, OSD, etc.
2 = Signal Information – source frequency, channel#, switching, etc.
3 = Operation Status – errors, temperatures, and interlocks
4 = Versions – h/w versions, s/w versions, h/w serial numbers, optional
STD Video Standard
Use STD to select the video standard to use with the video input. If “auto” is selected (8) the
standard has been set to “auto” the return value will be preceded with an ‘A’.
0 = PAL
1 = NTSC
3 = NTSC4.43
4 = PAL-M
5 = PAL-NC
6 = PAL-60
7 = NTSC
8 = Auto-select
NOTE: The numbers associated with a standard in this list has no relation to the standard’s
menu position on screen.
3.142 STD
Video Standard