About the software
This product contains a piece of software (hereafter the
Software) licensed to TOSHIBA CORPORATION
(hereafter TOPCO).
The copyright and other intellectual property rights of
the software are held by TOPCO or the licensor.
The software is protected by the Copyright Law,
Universal Copyright Convention, and other intellectual
property laws and agreements. The permission of
TOPCO or the licensor must therefore be obtained
before the software can be reproduced.
Note, however, that the software is partly covered under
the GNU General Public License Version 2 (hereafter
GPL2). You can obtain a copy of GPL2 at http://
www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html. TOPCO will provide the
GPL-covered source code of the software in
accordance with the terms of GPL2. Contact TOPCO if
you need it for more information.
Precautions for Use (Cont.)
IK-WB02A Precautions E new 2004.11.24, 15:2714