1. Prepare to shift Power Cut Mode
(1) Set the warm-up time: PMCCTL<WUTM1:0>
After wake-up interruption, internal wake-up timer count setting register
value:<WUTM1:0>, and after about 77us, external PWE terminal change from low
level to high level. Additionally after more about 92us, internal reset signal will be
released. We recommend to confirm actual performance on final set, because the
time to be stable all voltage level and power supply circuit are difference
characteristics every final set.
Warm-up time can be selected among 15.625ms, 31.25ms, 62,5ms and 125ms.
(2) Prepare the initial program after Warm-up (46000H∼49FFFH)
After wake-up, jump to Boot ROM, and Boot ROM process distinguish only bit 7
of PMCCTL register. All initialize setting including WDT setting must be written
in fixed RAM area (46000H∼49FFFH).
(3) Control of low frequency clock (XT)
Power Management Circuit operates by low frequency clock. Low frequency
clock (XT) must be enable condition
2. Operation Sequence
(1) Execution area of program must shift to internal RAM area.
Before shifting Power Cut Mode, it must stop all the source which might be
disturbed to shift Power Cut Mode.
a. Disable Watch Dog Timer operation
b. Disable A/D converter operation
c. Disable all DMA function
• Disable LCDC
• Auto refresh of SDRAM (We recommend to use self refresh mode)
• Disable DMAC
(2) Fix to port condition (Pn, PnCR, PnFC,PnDR)
Fix port condition and set external interrupt mode to wake-up trigger.
When INT4 is used as TSI, the de-bounce circuit should be disabled.
(3) Disable interruption (DI)
(4) Stop PLL operation
(5) Shift to Power Cut Mode (PMCCTL<PCM_ON>= “1”)