(2) Register beginning value
Register Name
Beginning Value
Beginning Value
Register Name
Beginning Value
Beginning Value
bmRequestType 0x00 0x00 INT control 0x00 0x00
bRequest 0x00 0x00 USBBUFF_TEST 0x00 Hold
wValue_L 0x00 0x00 USB state 0x01 0x01
wValue_H 0x00 0x00 EPx_MODE 0x00 0x00
wIndex_L 0x00 0x00 EPx_STATUS 0x1C 0x1C
wIndex_H 0x00 0x00 EPx_SIZE_L_A 0x88 0x88
wLength_L 0x00 0x00 EPx_SIZE _L_B 0x08 0x08
wLength_H 0x00 0x00 EPx_SIZE_H_A 0x00 0x00
Current_Config 0x00 0x00 EPx_SIZE_H_B 0x00 0x00
Standard request 0x00 0x00 FRAME_L 0x00 0x00
Request 0x00 0x00 FRAME_H 0x02 0x02
DATASET 0x00 0x00 ADRESS 0x00 0x00
Port Status 0x18 Hold EPx_SINGLE 0x00 Hold
Standard request mode 0x00 Hold EPx_BCS 0x00 Hold
Request mode 0x00 Hold ID_STATE 0x01 0x00
Note 1: Above initial value is value that is initialized by external reset, USB_RESET. This value may differs display
value by various condition.
Please refer to register configure of chapter 2.
Note 2: Initial value of EPx_SIZE_L_A, EPx_SIZE_L_B, EPx_SIZE_H_A, EPx_SIZE_H_B registers differ by size of
EP0_STATUS register is initialized to 0x00 after received USB_RESET.
Note 3: Initial value of ID_STATE register is initialized by external reset, BRESET. When USB_RESET signal is
received from host, it isinitialized to 0x00.