(9) GET_INTERFACE request
This request returns AlternateSetting value that is set by appointed interface.
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
10000001B GET_
0 Interface 1 Alternate
If there is not appointed interface, it become to STALL state.
(10) SET_INTERFACE request
This request selects AlternateSetting in appointed interface.
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
00000001B SET_
Interface 0 None
If there is not appointed interface, it become STALL state.
(11) SYNCH_FRAME request
This request transmits synchronous frame of endpoint.
bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data
10000010B SYNCH_FRAME 0 Endpoint 2 Frame No.
Automatically answer of this request does not support.
According to INT_SETUP interrupt, if receiving request was discerned as
SYNCH_FRAME request, write data of 2byte in Frame No after it confirmed
EP0_DSET_A bit of DATASET register is “0”. When finishing, access EOP register,
and write “0” to EP0_EOPB bit. Therefore, status stage finish. It can be used only
in case of endpoint support isochronous transfer type and support this request.
Transaction is same with vendor request.
Pleas refer to vendor request section.