Writing ECC to NAND Flash
; ***** Write dummy data & ECC *****
ldw (ndfmcr0),5088h ; ECC circuit disable, data write mode
ldw (ndfdtr0),xxxxh ; Redundancy area data write
; Write to 207-206hex address: > D79-64
ldw (ndfdtr1),xxxxh ; Redundancy area data write
; Write to 209-208hex address: > D63-48
ldw (ndfdtr0),xxxxh ; Redundancy area data write
; Write to 20B-20Ahex address: > D47-32
ldw (ndfdtr1),xxxxh ; Redundancy area data write
; Write to 20D-20Chex address: > D31-16
ldw (ndfdtr0),xxxxh ; Redundancy area data write
; Write to 20F-20Ehex address: > D15-0
; The write operation is repeated four times to write 2112 bytes.
Executing page program
; ***** Set auto page program*****
ldw (ndfmcr0),50A8h ; WE enable, CLE enable
ldw (ndfdtr0),0010h ; Auto page program command
ldw (ndfmcr0),5008h ; WE disable, CLE disable
; Wait set up time (from Busy to Ready)
; 1. Flag polling
; 2. Interrupt
In case of LB type NANDF, programming page size is normally each 2112
bytes and ECC calculation is processed each 518 (512) bytes. Please take care
of programming flow. In details, refer the NANDF memory specifications.
Reading status
; ***** Read status*****
ldw (ndfmcr0),50A8h ; WE enable, CLE enable
ldw (ndfdtr0),0070h ; Status read command
ldw (ndfmcr0),5008h ; WE disable, CLE disable
ldw xxxx,(ndfdtr0) ; Status read