
Chapter 10. Plugins 99
10.2 Demos
10.2.1 Bounce
Figure 10.25: Bounce
This demo is of the word “Rockbox” bouncing across the screen. There is also an
analogue clock in the background. In Scroll mode the bouncing text is replaced by a
different one scrolling from right to left.
Key Action
Up / Down Moves to next/previous option
Left / Right Increases/decreases option value
A Toggles Scroll mode
Power Exits bounce demo
Available options are:
Xdist/Ydist. The distance to X axis and Y axis respectively
Xadd/Yadd. How fast the code moves on the sine curve on each axis
Xsane/Ysane. Changes the appearance of the bouncing.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series