Chapter 10. Plugins 112
10.3.3 JPEG viewer
Open a JPEG file in the File Browser to view it.
Note: When an audio file is playing the size of the image is limited as the decoding
process needs to share memory with audio tracks. To be able to view a bigger file you
may need to stop playback.
Key Action
Up / Down /
Left / Right
Move around in zoomed in image
Volume up Zoom in
Volume down Zoom out
A+Right Next jpeg in directory
A+Left Previous jpeg in directory
Menu Show menu
The menu has the following entries.
Quit. Quits the viewer and returns to the File Browser.
Toggle Slideshow Mode. Enables or disables the slideshow mode.
Change Slideshow Timeout. You can set the timeout for the slideshow between 1 sec-
ond and 20 seconds.
Show Playback Menu. From the playback menu you can control the playback of the
currently loaded playlist and change the volume of your player.
Return. Returns you to the image
Note: Progressive scan and other unusual JPEG files are not supported, and will result
in various “unsupported xx” messages. Processing could also fail if the image is too big
to decode which will be explained by a respective message.
10.3.4 Midiplay
To get MIDI file playback, a patchset is required. This file contains the instruments
required to synthesize the music. A sample patchset is available through the wiki at
ZPluginMidiPlay, and needs to be extracted to the .rockbox directory in the root of
your player. There should now be a /.rockbox/patchset/ directory, with the patchset
directory containing several .pat files and two .cfg files. Just select a MIDI file with
either the .mid or .midi extension in the file browser to start playback.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series