Chapter 2. Installation 12
2.2 Prerequisites
Before installing Rockbox you should make sure you meet the prerequisites. You may
need some additional tools for installation. In most cases these will already be available
on your computer, but if not, installing some additional software might be necessary.
USB connection. To transfer Rockbox to your player you need to connect it to your
computer. For manual installation/uninstallation, or should autodetection fail
during automatic installation, you need to know where to access the player. On
Windows this means you need to figure out the drive letter associated with the
player. On Linux you need to know the mount point of your player.
Warning: During installation, do not connect your player using the cradle but
plug the USB cable directly to the player.
For manual installation and customization additional software is required.
ZIP utility. Rockbox is distributed as a compressed archive using the .zip format. Your
computer will normally already have a means of handling such archive files. Win-
dows XP has built-in support for .zip files and presents them to you as directories
unless you have installed a third party program that handles compressed files. For
other operating systems this may vary. If the .zip file format is not recognised on
your computer you can find a program to handle them at http://www.info-zip.org/
or http://sevenzip.sf.net/, both of which can be downloaded and used free of charge.
Text editor. As you will see in the following chapters, Rockbox is highly configurable.
In addition to saving configurations, Rockbox also allows you to create customised
configuration files. If you would like to edit custom configuration files on your
computer, you will need a text editor like Windows’ “Wordpad”.
2.3 Installing Rockbox
2.3.1 Automated Installation
To automatically install Rockbox, download the official installer and housekeeping tool
Rockbox Utility. It allows you to:
• Automatically install all needed components for using Rockbox (“Small Installa-
• Automatically install all suggested components (“Full Installation”)
• Selectively install optional components
• Install additional themes
• Install voice files and generate talk clips
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series