
Chapter 10. Plugins 91
Key Action
Up / Down /
Left / Right
Move Cursor around.
Select Select cards, move cards, reveal hidden
Menu If a card was selected unselect it, else
Draw 3 new cards from the remains stack
A + Left Put the card from the top of the remains
stack on top of the cursor
Long Select Put the card under the cursor on one of
the 4 final colour stacks.
A + Right Put the card on top of the remains stack
on one of the final colour stacks.
Power Show menu
10.1.23 Spacerocks
Figure 10.20: Spacerocks
Spacerocks is a clone of the old arcade game Asteroids. The goal of the game is to blow
up the asteroids and avoid being hit by them. Once in a while, a UFO will appear
shoot this for extra points.
The Rockbox manual Toshiba Gigabeat F Series