–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– System/Station Administration
Administration Menu (DKAdmin)
Note You cannot duplicate DID numbers.
if you would like to change DID numbers for a range of ports, press F5. A Change dialog
box displays similar to the one shown above.
Type the Starting DID Number you wish to assign and press Enter. A pop-up screen asks
you to confirm the change. The DID numbers for the range of ports you specified are
changed if you enter Yes.
6. Highlight the Telephone LCD User Name field. Enter the name of the user assigned this
physical port
if you prefer, you may use DNs/intercom numbers in this field rather than names. To insert
DNs/intercom numbers into this field for all ports, press F5.
7. Highlight the VM MW ID Code field. This field enables you to assign a voice mail call
pick-up ID code (enabling users to pick-up their voice mail messages)
you may set a starting default ID prefix for all ports by pressing F5. A Change dialog box
displays. Type the voice mail ID prefix number (example: 92) you wish to begin the
sequence and press Enter. A confirmation message displays: All Ports Will Be
Reset To Default Values. Go Ahead?
Press Enter to assign the VM MW ID code. The prefix is added to each mailbox (DN/
Intercom) number. If you change your mind, and wish to cancel the operation, highlight
No and press Enter.
8. Press F9 to save and upload your changes to the Strata DK, or F10 to save the data to the
customer database file.
Printing Port/Station Information (F3)
➤ To print port and station information
1. Press F3. The Select
Printout screen
displays (shown right).
2. Highlight the desired
report and press
Enter. The Printer
Selection screen
displays (shown right).
Note The current port is
the port that is
highlighted on the
3. Press Enter to print the selected information.