–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Maintain Customer File
File Menu
➤ To create a customer record or upgrade a customer’s processor
1. Press Ins to insert a
record. A blank
Customer File
Maintenance Screen
displays (shown right).
2. See Table 2 for a
description of the
fields on this screen.
Press Enter after
each entry.
Table 2 Customer File Maintenance Screen Fields
Field Description
Customer ID Enter a unique customer ID, using up to eight alphanumeric characters. If you
attempt to enter an existing customer ID code, the system displays an error
message: Record exists.
Customer Name Enter the full customer name.
Address Enter the customer’s street address.
Address The second address line may be used to enter a suite or PO number.
City, State, Zip Enter the customer’s city, state and ZIP code.
Country Code Enter the three character country code.
Contact Name Enter a contact name, as applicable.
Country Ph. Code Enter the three character foreign country telephone code.
Phone No., Ext Enter the customer telephone number (of the customer contact), including area
code, and extension. This telephone number does not automatically dial out
when using the Dial DK option and is only used as a reference for the customer
telephone number.
DIU String The first part of the DIU string is automatically entered. You must enter the
extension number (XXXX) of the DIU (modem pool or TTY PDIU-DS) after the
ATDD option. This string is used when DIUs are used to connect DKAdmin/
DKBackup to the DK TTY port (see Figure 18 on Page 132 and Figure 20 on
Page 135). The DIU String is sent to the DIU when pressing F2 or F3 from the
Custom List screen of the Dial DK option.
Modem Dial String Enter the complete modem string number when modems are used to connect to:
an external modem connected to the TTY port, or the RMDS or IMDU built-in
modems (see Figures 18 ~ 22 on Pages 132 ~ 139). This string is sent when
using (F3)–DID/DIU/modem, (F4)–modem initial + modem dial string, or (F5)–
modem dial string only .