Restore Data ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
9. After reading the screen in Step 7, press Enter. The screen below displays.
10. Highlight Yes and press Enter. You are prompted for the DK Code.
11. Enter the four-digit DK Code.
Important! You must enter the code programmed on the installed processor.
DKAdmin/DKBackup turns on LED10 in Program 77-1 and then displays the message
“You will send data to the DK. Are you sure?”
12. Highlight Yes and press Enter. You are prompted for the DK Code.
13. Enter the four-digit DK code.
Important! You must enter the code programmed on the installed processor.
DKAdmin/DKBackup begins the Restore process. After restoring data, the message
Upload Complete! displays
Note Before restoring data, DKAdmin/DKBackup pulls some programs (04,
04 and
to arrange the data and prevent numbering conflicts.
14. Press Enter from the Process Complete screen. The information screen below displays.
15. Turn the system off (five seconds) and then on, or highlight Yes when you are prompted
with the message Perform automatic power OFF/ON simulation?
DK System Program File
Program No. Program Title
PRGALL All System Programs
REPALL All Station and System Speed Dial Numbers
NAMEALL All User Names
VIDALL All Voice Mail ID Codes (#656)
Pull Program 03 from DK to Update Customer Database?
Yes No
You have uploaded program(s) to the DK which require
the DK to be powered off for 5 seconds and then on
again for the modifications to take effect.
DK280 Release 3 and 4 allows you to perform this task
automatically without physically turning the system
off. If desired, the system can be shut down manu-