Voice Call Transferred to Modem Connection –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
To Make Connection
1. From File Menu, type d.
2. Highlight the customer from the customer list.
3. At the remote site, use the standard telephone (connected to the DKAdmin/DKBackup
remote modem) to call a telephone (or attendant console) at the customer site.
4. When the call is answered, request that the call be transferred to the IMDU or RMDS by
Cnf/Trn + # 1 9; or, if using an external modem connected to the TTY port, by
Cnf/Trn + the external modem (RSTU) station number.
Important! The transferring party must hang up after transferring to the modem.
5. After the call is transferred and you hear modem tone from the IMDU, RMDS, or external
modem, press F5, hang up the standard telephone when the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC
modem goes off-hook. (The Modem String will be sent from the DKAdmin/DKBackup
COM port.) The modems will handshake and connect, the After Connect String is sent to
the Strata DK (if programmed).
Note If you press F4 in this step, DKAdmin/DKBackup will send the Modem Initialization
String (from the Communications Setup Option) and then the Modem String (from the
Customer File). If using a 28.8 fax/modem with you DKAdmin/DKBackup PC, it may
be necessary to include &Q6 or &K0 in the Modem Initialization String to turn off data
6. After the connection is established, select the desired function from the Administration
Menu/Backup Menu and proceed.
7. After the DKAdmin/DKBackup session is completed, go to the File Menu and press h to
hang up the connection. The DKAdmin/DKBackup PC sends +++ ATZ H to the
DKAdmin/DKBackup PC modem, closing the communication link to the DK.
● When connected to an IMDU or RMDS modem, the Strata DK will drop the connection if
an incorrect DK maintenance security code is entered during a DKAdmin/DKBackup
backup session.
● You may put the DK maintenance security code on the After Connect line in the Customer
File setup. DKAdmin/DKBackup sends the DK security code automatically after the
modem in the Strata DK and the DKAdmin/DKBackup modem establish connection. The
data set in After Connect is sent after modem connection is established whenever F3, F4,
or F5 is used.
● If the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC/modem connects to the Strata DK modem but then
DKAdmin/DKBackup closes the COM port immediately, perform the following steps and
try again:
● Make sure DKAdmin/DKBackup modem baud rate is the same as the Strata DK
modem baud rate.
● Run the ReIndex Files option from the DKAdmin/DKBackup Options/System Utilities
● Remove the DK security code from the After Connect String.