Strata DK Programming 5/00 vii
This manual provides for programming the following Strata DK digital business telephone
♦ Strata DK14, Release 3.1
♦ Strata DK40i, DK424 and DK424i, Release 4.3
It is intended for qualified service technicians and system programmers.
This manual uses simplified, generic system record sheets that have legends that show you specific
port configurations for Strata DK14, DK40i, DK424 and DK424i systems. After using the legends,
copy the generic record sheets as required to accommodate your system ports and settings.
The Installation and Maintenance (I&M) Manual, a companion book, covers the installation and
maintenance information and instructions for the Strata DK systems discussed in this book.
This manual is organized as follows for your convenience:
♦ Chapter 1 – Overview includes general programming information and basic instructions on
how to program the system with a 20-button LCD digital or electronic telephone.
♦ Chapter 2 – Initialization & Test includes information for initializing and test programs.
♦ Chapter 3 – System & Station includes programming information for the entire system and
individual stations.
♦ Chapter 4 – Toll Restriction includes programming information for Toll Restriction.
♦ Chapter 5 – Least Cost Routing includes programming information for Least Cost Routing.
♦ Chapter 6 – Automatic Call Distribution includes ACD programming for DK40i, DK424,
and DK424i Release 4.3.
♦ Chapter 7 – ISDN includes programming instructions and record sheets for Integrated
Systems Digital Networking features for the DK40i, DK424 and DK424i.
♦ Chapter 8 – E911 includes programming information for connecting the DK40i, DK424 and
DK424i to Enhanced 911 CAMA trunks.
♦ Glossary/Index
The programs in each chapter are given in numerical order (except Initialization and Test which is
given in order of importance). The “*” programs are located behind the program of the same name
(e.g., Program *09 follows Program 09).