System & Station
Programs 81~89 – Ground/Loop Start/CO Line Station Ringing
3-182 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Day, Day2, Night refer to the 1LJKW7UDQVIHU button’s three modes.
Attendant Console (DK424 only)
Programs 81~89 are used to ring individual attendant consoles and/or to enable attendant console
incoming CO line call load sharing. (See “Auto Attendant Delay Ring” and “PC and Conventional
Attendant Console Programming Overview” in Chapter 11 – Station Apparatus of the Strata DK
I&M Manual.)
Attendant Console Load Sharing
In Programs 81, 84, and 87, assign all CO lines (ground, loop, and DID) that should alternately
ring multiple attendant consoles to the respective Load Share console ports (see “Attendant
Console Load Share Programming Example” on Page 11-40 of the Strata DK I&M Manual.
On DID lines, when the digits assigned to console ports in Program *09 are dialed on incoming
calls, the calls will alternately ring the Load Share consoles.
Auto Attendant Delay Ring
➤ To set Auto Attendant Delay Ring operation
Note If the Auto Attendant must answer calls on the first ring, do not assign CO lines to ring
telephones in Programs 81~89.
1. Assign CO lines to ring the Auto Attendant (AA) in Program 78.
Program 78-61: AA DAY
Program 78-62: AA DAY 2
Program 78-63: AA NIGHT
2. Assign stations that should ring (immediately for 12 seconds) before the AA answers to the
AA CO lines in Program 81 (84 – Day 2, 87 – Night). Also assign the [DN] that should flash
when the CO lines ring with Program *81 (*84 – Day 2, *87 – Night). As an option, the station
can be equipped with the appropriate CO
/LQH or 3RROHG/LQH*US buttons in which case you
should not program a [DN] to flash with Program *81.
♦ Stations assigned in Program 81 and the [DN] assigned in Program *81 – ring immediate
for 12 seconds and then stop ringing unless they are also assigned to ring in Program 82.
Assign [DN] for the appropriate CO
/LQH or 3RROHG/LQH*US buttons to these ports using
Program 39.
3. Assign stations that should ring (after a 12-second delay – for 12 seconds) before the AA
answers to the AA CO lines in Program 82 (85 – Day 2, 88 – Night). Also assign the [DN] that
should flash when the CO lines ring with Program *81 (*84 – Day 2, *87 – Night). As an
option, the station can be equipped with the appropriate
&2/LQH or 3RROHG/LQH*US buttons
in which case you should not program a [DN] to flash with Program *81.
♦ Station assigned in Program 82 and the [DN] assigned in Program *81 – ring after a 12-
second delay for 12 seconds and then stop ringing. Assign the appropriate [DN] or
/LQH or
3RROHG/LQH*US buttons to these ports using Program 39.
Day2 Delay2 Same as Day Delay 2 except during Day 2.
Night Immediate Same as Day Immediate except during Day2 NT mode.
Night Delay1 Same as Day Delay 1 except during Day 2 NT mode.
Night Delay2 Same as Day Delay 1 except during Day 2 NT mode.
Ringing Mode Comments