System & Station
Program 34 – Hold Recall Timing
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-97
System & Station
Program 34 – Hold Recall Timing
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: Station
Initialized Default: Assigns a Hold Recall Time of 032 seconds to all ports
Program 34 Overview
Each station can have a different time (from 011 to 160 seconds) from the point of placing a call on
hold to the point of recall. Initialized data assigns a recall time of 032 seconds to all ports.
Processor Type Port Range Processor Type Port Range
DK14 000~009 B1CU 000~055
DK40i 000~027 B2CAU/BU 000~111
RCTUA 000~031 B3CAU/BU 000~191
RCTUBA/BB 000~079 B5CAU/BU 000~335
RCTUC/D 000~239
RCTUE/F 000~335
Port Seconds Port Seconds Port Seconds Port Seconds
SELECT = Station Logical Port Number
Enter the port number having its Hold
Recall Time defined.
To add a port range, enter XXX✱XXX
(low port ✱ high port).
HOLD TIME = Seconds
Enter the number of seconds the system will
wait (three digits).
Enter 000 for no Hold Recall. Enter 011~160 for
11 to 160 seconds.