System & Station
Program 10-2 – System Assignments, Part 2 of 3
3-34 Strata DK Programming 5/00
This feature applies to loop and ground start lines, and also Tie, DID, and DNIS lines assigned
with Program 17, LED 05 On; these lines will use Program 71 (1~3) assignments. Tie and DID
lines assigned with Program 17, LED 05 Off cannot be routed to different destinations in the Day/
Day 2/Night modes.
LED 02: Call Forward/Station Hunt Override From DSS Console (DK424 and DK40i only)
If a station has activated Call Forwarding or Station Hunting, all calls to that station—except for
calls from the DSS console position—will forward or hunt to another number. You can Call
Forward from the console itself or from the digital or electronic telephone assigned to it. You
cannot Call Forward from both; it is an either/or choice. If the console calls (using the DSS
console station buttons) are forwarded, the telephone attached to the console will not be
forwarded, and vice versa. This allows the console operator flexibility in reaching a station user
that has Call Forward or Station Hunt telephone options activated.
Note This feature applies to both types of DSS consoles, the DDSS and the HDSS.
LED 01: Tone First/Voice First-DSS Console
The intercom call signal from a DSS console can be set for Tone First Signaling or Voice First
Signaling. This setting is independent of the system-wide signal option in Program 10-1. Thus,
DSS consoles and their attendant stations can ring with different signaling modes. Voice First
applies to called [PDNs] only; [PhDNs] are always tone first.