
Configuring the AP
88 AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
2.6 Encryption Configuration and Key Maintenance
The Encryption Key Maintenance screens allow the user to configure the
encryption keys used for the site network. The Key Width determines which
encryption Key screen displays. To enable the Open System option, select
Disabled for Shared Key from the System Summary screen.
This table shows the association capability with the selected Key Width.
Each 40-bit encryption key is a subset of the respective 128-bit encryption
key. The first 40 bits of each encryption key is the same for the respective
40-bit and 128-bit encryption keys. When a 40-bit encryption key is
changed the first 40 bits of the respective 128-bit key is also changed.
Consequently, when a 128-bit encryption key is changed the first 40 bits of
the 40-bit encryption key is changed. Moreover, configuring the encryption
Keys using the SNMP Trap Manager overrides the Key value(s) for the AP(s)
accessed by the SNMP Trap Manager.
Symbol provides a total of four Encryption Keys. Each key enables
encryption between the AP and an associated MU with the same encryption
Key and Key value.
AP Selected WEP
MU Selected WEP
Association Status
Open (disable) Open Associated
Open (disable) 40 No Association
Open (disable) 128 No Association
40 Open No Association
40 40 Associated
40 128 Associated, but cannot
transmit data
128 Open No Association
128 40 Associated, but cannot
transmit data
128 128 Associated