Configuring the AP
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 39
2.1.2 Using a Direct Serial Connection
The factory-configured AP accepts a dial-up connection between the AP and
a modem. A UI connection requires a straight-through cable between the
modem and the AP. See section 2.2.3: ”Configuring for Dial-Up to the UI” on
page 53. The AP serial port is a DB-9, 9-pin male connector. The serial port
allows a UI connection to a configuration PC. Connecting the AP directly to a
PC with a 9-pin serial port requires a null modem cable with the following
Assuming the UI and serial port are enabled on the AP:
1. Apply Power to the AP.
2. Attach a null modem serial cable from the AP to the terminal or PC
serial port.
3. From the terminal, start the communication program, such as
HyperTerminal for windows.
4. Select the correct COM port along with the following parameters.
There is no password requirement.
emulation ANSI
baud rate 19200 bps
data bits 8
stop bits 1
parity none
flow control none