AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 37
Chapter 2 Configuring the AP
AP configuration requires setting up a connection to the AP and gaining
access to the UI (User Interface). The methods of accessing the UI are Serial,
Telnet, Web, and SNMP. DHCP is enabled on the AP by default. Initial
network configuration can be obtained from a DHCP server. All except Serial
require the configuration of an IP address.
To access the AP through the serial port and terminal emulation program,
connect to the DB9 serial port using a null modem cable. Set the terminal
emulation program for 19,200 bps, 8 bits, No parity, 1 Stop Bit and No flow
control. Select the AP Installation screen and enter the appropriate IP
configuration parameters for the network.
The dot in front of certain parameters, functions or options (.Antenna
Selection Primary Only
) indicates these items update to all APs with the
same Net_ID (ESS) when choosing the
Save ALL APs-[F2] option. Users can
perform this option only among the same hardware platforms and same
firmware versions.
2.1 Gaining Access to the UI
The method for establishing access to the UI depends on the connection
used. Select the setup that best fits the network environment.
2.1.1 Using Telnet
Using a Telnet session to gain access to the UI requires that a remote station
have a TCP/IP stack. The remote station can be on the wired or wireless LAN.
To access the AP from the workstation:
1. From the DOS prompt, Telnet to the AP using its IP address:
Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx