Configuring the AP
120 AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
2.10 Configuring Type Filtering
Packet types supported for the type filtering function include the 16-bit DIX
Ethernet types. The list can include up to 16 types.
2.10.1 Adding Filter Types
The Type Filtering screen provides a facility to add types to the list.
1. Select Add-[F2].
2. Enter the packet type.
2.10.2 Removing Filter Types
The Type Filtering screen provides a facility to remove types from the list.
1. Highlight the packet type using the UP/DOWN-ARROW keys.
2. Select Delete-[F1].
2.10.3 Controlling Type Filters
Set the type filters to forward or discard the types listed. To control the type
filtering mode:
1. Select Set System Configuration from the Main Menu.
2. Select Type Filtering.
3. Press the SPACE BAR to toggle between the Forward, Discard or Disable
type filtering and press ENTER to confirm the choice.
4. Select Save ALL APs or press [F2] to save the Type Filtering Setup
information to all APs with the same Net_ID (ESS).
This option saves configuration changes for the current AP, sends two
WNMP messages to all other APs on the Known APs table to update their
configuration and issues a reset once the configuration is modified.
Users can perform this option only among the same hardware platforms
and firmware version.
5. The system prompts Warning Update, save, and reset all APs in the Known AP Menu?
yes no
Type Y.