If you are scanning multiple originals, place them on the machine, and then press the [Start]
Repeat this step until all originals are scanned, and then press the [ ] key.
• When scanning from the ADF
Transmission starts immediately after originals are scanned.
Using Scan to Folder in the Windows Environment
The following procedures explain how to create a shared folder on a computer running Windows, and
how to confirm the computer's information. In these examples, Windows 7 Ultimate is the operating
system, and the computer is a member in a network domain. Write down the confirmed information.
Step 1: Confirming the user name and computer name
Confirm the user name and the name of the computer you will send scanned documents to.
1. On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], then [Accessories], and then click on
[Command Prompt]
2. Enter the command "ipconfig/all", and then press the [Enter] key
3. Confirm the name of the computer
The computer's name is displayed under [Host Name].
You can also confirm the IPv4 address. The address displayed under [IPv4 Address] is the IPv4
address of the computer.
4. Next, enter the command "set user", and then press the [Enter] key (Be sure to put a
space between "set" and "user")
5. Confirm the user name
The user name is displayed under [USERNAME].
Step 2: Creating a shared folder on a computer running Microsoft Windows
Create a shared destination folder in Windows and enable sharing. In the following procedure, a
computer which is running under Windows 7 Ultimate and participating in a domain is used as an
• You must log in as an Administrators group member to create a shared folder.
• If "Everyone" is left selected in step 6, the created shared folder will be accessible by all users. This
is a security risk, so we recommend that you give access rights only to specific users. Use the
following procedure to remove "Everyone" and specify user access rights.
6. Scan