List of the Setting Items
•RC Gate
•ROM Update
❒ Some items are not displayed depending on the security settings.
❒ Some items do not appear on the menu, or do not function when no optional
hard disk installed.
❒ Some items are not displayed on the menu depending on which printer lan-
guage/option is installed.
The following telnet can be used with the machine:
access, appletalk, autonet, rendezvous, btconfig, dhcp, diprint, dns, domain-
name, help, hostname, ifconfig, info, ipp, netware, passwd, prnlog, route, set,
show, slp, smb, snmp, spoolsw, ssdp, status, syslog, web, wins
Menu User mode Administrator mode
Setup RC Gate None Read/Modify
Update RC Gate Firmware None Read/Modify
RC Gate Proxy None Read/Modify
User mode Administrator mode
Read/Modify Read/Modify
User mode Administrator mode
None Read