Chapter 6: Operation - User Functions
3. Use the and keys (and, for switching between pages, the
Page Up and Page Down keys) to move the highlight bar to the
channel port you want to select, and then press Enter. Note that
although the highlight will move, the small red arrow (
) to the left of
the channel port name will remain stationary, indicating the user's
currently-selected channel port, until a new selection is made.
a. In the channel number view, once all channel ports page are
assigned, you can press the desired channel port's key number
(1 through 8) to move the highlight to that channel port instantly.
b. In the channel name view, you can type the first few characters
of the desired channel port's name to move the highlight to the
first channel port whose name begins with that character
4. Press Enter.
Depending on the type of device connected to the selected channel port,
the OSUI responds differently:
If the device is a server and you are permitted to access it
Paragon II automatically switches you to that channel port for normal
server operation, and the OSUI disappears.
If the device is a cascaded tiered device
An OSUI Selection Menu specific to that tiered device will appear.
Keep moving through the Selection Menu layers until you reach the
server you want.
Note: To return to the Base Unit's Selection Menu from any second- or
third-tier-specific Selection Menu, press the Home key on your keyboard
once, or press the Esc key once or twice depending on which tier you
are currently on.
After accessing a server, you can continue switching by pressing the hot
key (default: Scroll Lock) twice QUICKLY to invoke the Selection Menu.
If you want to return to your previously selected channel port without
using the OSUI, press the “previous channel port” command key (default:
Num Lock) twice QUICKLY.
In the Selection Menu, each channel port's availability is visually
indicated by the following text colors.
Color Channel port status
Black No device is connected or the connected device is turned OFF.
Green Server is connected and the channel port is active and available. However, if the
Paragon system is in PC Share Mode, another user may currently be accessing the
Red Channel port is unavailable, currently being accessed by another user. (This happens
only when the Paragon II system is in Private Mode.) A blocked Paragon switch will
be in red in the Selection Menu (in order of channel number).