Chapter 7: Operation - Administrator Functions
Controlling Power to an Outlet
The addition of a Power Strip to the Paragon II system allows
administrators to control the power to devices in two ways:
To control power from the Channel/Server Selection Menu
Normal Paragon II operation involves browsing the list of servers on the
OSUI and pressing Enter to switch to that server. By pressing F3 instead
of Enter when a server is highlighted, Paragon II will check that server
for Power Strip outlet associations:
If Paragon II does not detect any associations with that server, a
message indicating ”No Outlets / Access Denied” appears, and the
action is cancelled.
If the server has associated power outlets, but the user is not
authorized to control those outlets, a ”No Outlets / Access Denied”
message appears and the action is cancelled.
If Paragon II detects that this server is associated with at least one
power outlet, it will switch to that server. The OSUI will remain
onscreen, displaying a list of power outlets associated with the
specific server. This allows users to see the server before power is
cycled to it.
Four choices are offered in this menu: Power Off (X), Power On (O),
Recycle Power (R), and Select All (A).
If the server is powered OFF, pressing O will power ON the outlet
If the server is powered ON, pressing X or R will activate a
confirmation dialog “Are you sure (yes/no)?” As a safeguard,
type the whole word yes, to confirm cutting power to the server.
Typing in y only, or any word other than yes will be taken as a
“no” response.
In the case of a server associated with multiple outlets, such as a
server with dual power supplies, pressing A will highlight all of
the associated outlets, allowing them to be turned on, off, or
recycled simultaneously.