How-To: Paragon Essentials
user name: user02
password: <no password>
4. Select the “first” channel of the association group on the On-Screen
User Interface (OSUI). In this example, highlight channel number 3
and press Enter.
5. The other video ports of the same server connected to channel
numbers 1, 2 and 26 automatically output their video data to three
user stations subsequent to the one where user02 is operating,
which are connected to user port No. 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
6. When user02 disconnects the channel number 3 or even logs out of
the system, the three subsequent user stations are also logged off.
See Concurrent Multiple Video Outputs (on page 83) for details.
Case 6. Restoring Settings to Factory Defaults
Purpose: To reset the Paragon switch to its factory default settings when
you want to clear customized settings, such as the device name, system
settings, and so on.
1. Log in to the Paragon system as an administrator.
a. Type admin in the User Name field and press Enter.
b. Type raritan (the default password; all lowercase) in the
Password field and press Enter. Note the password is
2. Press F5 --> select System Reset Settings.
3. Highlight the field(s) that you want to reset, and change the setting to
Yes by doing this: press Enter --> press any arrow key --> press
Enter. The affected scope of different fields are described below:
Field Settings returning to factory defaults
Device Name The Device ID field in the System Configuration
All settings in the Network Setting submenu
User Profiles All settings of the following submenus or settings:
User Configuration
User Station Profile
User Profile settings that are displayed
when pressing F4
All settings in the System Configuration submenu
except for the Device ID field