Appendix E: Other Raritan Components Working with Paragon II
To get the P2SC user documentation
1. Use your browser to visit Raritan website's Firmware and
Documentation section
Scroll d
own the page and click the END OF LIFE PRODUCTS
3. Click the Paragon II System Controller heading on the left pane.
4. Click the latest version on the right pane to show a list of support
documents and files.
5. Click the User Guide link to open the User Guide, or the Deployment
Guide link to open the Deployment Guide.
When CC-SG or P2SC manages the Paragon II system, you cannot
remotely access the Paragon II system via P2-USTIP, IP-Reach or
Paragon Manager.
Special Note:
Paragon II releases 4.2 and 4.3 are not compatible with the Paragon II
System Controller (P2SC). They are considered "standalone" releases
and are not supported for installation in a Raritan PCCI environment. As
of release 4.3.1, Paragon II returned to compatibility with P2SC. Existing
Paragon II System Controller customers may upgrade their Paragon II
components to 4.3.1 or higher to benefit from recently added features
and maintenance fixes. Please see the Paragon II 4.3.1 release notes for
minimum firmware levels.
Dominion KX II Integration
Dominion KX II is a digital KVM switch that can be directly managed by
CC-SG. If you do not have the P2SC device, you can connect the
Paragon II system to a KX II device that is managed by CC-SG so that
Paragon II is accessible from CC-SG. For complete compatibility, it is
recommended that the KX II device connected to Paragon II is running
version 2.1 or later.
Note: Paragon II can also be accessed remotely over IP through the
P2-USTIP. However, P2-USTIP does not support integration with
authentication/authorization platforms (AA), such as LDAP or Active
Directory. The KX II does support these and other AA platforms.
To connect the Paragon II system to KX II
1. Check whether the user station that you want to connect to KX II is
implemented with version 4.6 firmware or later. If not, upgrade it. See
Firmware Upgrade (on page 167) for upgrade instructions. The user
station can b
one of these: